Power and Water raises about 30,000 purchase orders annually.

We advertise and manage all tender opportunities through the Northern Territory Government's Quotations and Tenders portal. You can register to receive relevant opportunity alerts, as well as reminders when tenders are about to close.

Tender is a general term we use to refer to all our open and public procurement actions including:

  • Request for Tender
  • Request for Proposal
  • Expression of Interest
  • Invitation to Nominate for a pre-qualified List

Visit the Quotations and Tenders portal for current opportunities

Procurement outlook

To help local businesses, we publish an Annual Procurement Outlook which forecasts possible tender opportunities over the next three years.

The outlook gives local businesses extra time to  develop the systems and skills they need to meet the work requirements, and to potentially partner with larger organisations.

This document is not an invitation of a pre-solicitation bid, but may help ensure business readiness.

Download the current Procurement Outlook

Unsolicited proposals

When you submit a proposal we have not formally requested, we call this an unsolicited proposal.

Businesses and private entities with unique ideas and solutions are encouraged to submit unsolicited proposals for consideration.

We may be interested in:

  • New methods of service delivery
  • Innovative infrastructure provision
  • Access and utilisation of our assets and land.

Make sure you know what we require before consideration and assessment of your submission. Read our Unsolicited Proposals Guidelines for Suppliers to assist you in meeting the requirements.

Once you have met the conditions, please submit your proposal online.

For more information or assistance, contact our Industry Engagement Officer by email or phone 1800 245 092.